Welcome to Plural Publishing's companion website, intended to enhance your use of the text Electronystagmography and Videonystagmography (ENG/VNG), Second Edition.


Electronystagmography and Videonystagmography (ENG/VNG), Second Edition remains a practical and portable resource for conducting and interpreting the electronystamography/ videonystagmography examination.

In order to provide a foundation for understanding ENG/VNG test results, the early sections of the text are dedicated to a description of normal and impaired peripheral and central vestibular system function. Also addressed is the process of central nervous system compensation. These sections are followed by a description and interpretation of the ENG/VNG subtests including: an expanded ocular motor testing section, positional/ing testing, and caloric testing. The text now also includes a chapter describing the most common disorders causing dizziness and provides the diagnostic criterion for each. Finally, examples of counseling materials and illustrative case studies that serve to highlight the principles and techniques covered in the manual are provided.


We invite your reactions to both the Electronystagmography and Videonystagmography (ENG/VNG), Second Edition and this site. Please feel free to call Plural Publishing, Inc. at 858-492-1555 with your questions and your suggestions for improving the book and the companion website. Additionally, do not hesitate to email us at information@pluralpublishing.com if you need help or have comments to pass along. Please include the phrase "Electronystagmography and Videonystagmography (ENG/VNG), Second Edition" in the subject line of your e-mail message(s). We look forward to hearing from you!