Companion Website

Welcome to Plural Publishing's companion website, intended to enhance your use of the text A Systematic Approach to Voice: The Art of Studio Application.


A Systematic Approach to Voice: The Art of Studio Application is a professional resource presenting a framework for the integration of science-informed principles of voice production and pedagogical application in the training of singers. Author Dr. Kari Ragan has spent years using this organizational template of the five voice systems – respiration, phonation, registration, articulation and resonance – to identify technical challenges and design corrective vocal exercises to enable efficient singing.

Each of the voice system chapters contains a brief overview of the mechanics as well as key points for teachers, or “teacher takeaways.” The book’s core offering is vocal exercises which, framed within a systematic approach, provide strategies for the art of studio application. The intent is that this approach leads to technically proficient singing with the ultimate goal of serving great artistry.


We invite your reactions to both the A Systematic Approach to Voice: The Art of Studio Application and this site. Please feel free to call Plural Publishing, Inc. at 858-492-1555 with your questions and your suggestions for improving the book and the companion website. Additionally, do not hesitate to email us at if you need help or have comments to pass along. Please include the phrase "A Systematic Approach to Voice: The Art of Studio Application" in the subject line of your e-mail message(s). We look forward to hearing from you!