Classics in Voice and Laryngology
First Edition
Ryan C. Branski, Lucian Sulica
Details: 608 pages, B&W, Softcover, 8.5" x 11"
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-242-3
© 2009 | Available
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Price: $129.95
A superb collection of carefully selected, reprinted articles classified into fifteen subject groups—from laryngeal framework and endoscopic surgery, through anatomy, to clinical voice disorders and therapies, and more—each of which includes a commentary by leading contemporary professionals.
The editors recognize that the field of laryngology and voice represents a small niche within the small niche of otolaryngology. As such, it is unlikely that works seminal to the advancement of the field will ever be recognized in the context of science, in general. However, many publications have significantly altered the way voice production is conceptualized as well as shifted treatment paradigms for patients with voice disorders. Thus, in bringing this collection together for the first time, they have admirably achieved their threefold aim: to recognize great contributions to the field; to provide a written history of the field; and to provide a compilation of landmark manuscripts in the field of laryngology and voice science for both current clinician-scientists as well as future contributors to the field.
"...The selection of papers is impressive ... well made and the structure is very clear. ... Useful for graduate students or residents who are specializing in vocology and laryngology."
—Tim Bressman, PhD, University of Toronto, Dept. of Speech-Language Pathology, Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (2009)
"... A unique book, with a format that makes valuable information accessible for laryngologists, voice scientists, speech-language pathologists, nurses, and others who work with the voice. The book also appropriately acknowledges Gould, Gray, and Hicks for their outstanding contributions to the fields of laryngology and voice science—work that will live on."
—Florence B. Blager, PhD, CCC-SLP, Journal of the American Medical Association (2010)
"These introductions [to the papers] are very illuminating, explaining the background to the articles and helping the reader to put the paper in the context of the wider literature. The introductions are mostly informally written, and give us an insight into the researchers' thought processes during the writing of the articles. ... A very useful and well thought out book."
—D. Costello, Journal of Laryngology and Otology (2010)
"... Particularly useful for trainees in the field. This is not only because of the convenience of the compilation of these classic articles, but also because the commentaries by these well-known investigators describing their experiences, elations, and frustrations will undoubtedly positively influence the budding investigator's mind."
—Nausheen Jamal, MD, Annals (2010)
"... This book provides the reader an unexpected and enjoyable journey. I recommend it for any ENT surgeon with an interest, however nascent, in laryngology."
—John Rubin, ENT & Audiology News (2010)
- Chapter One - Phonatory Anatomy
- Morphological structure of the vocal cord as a vibrator and its variations
Minoru Hirano - The innervation of the human larynx
Ira Sanders, MD; Bei-Lian Wu, MD; Liancai Mu, MD; Youzhu Li, MD; Hugh F. Biller, MD - Neural pathways underlying vocal control
Uwe Jürgens
- Morphological structure of the vocal cord as a vibrator and its variations
- Chapter Two - Perception of Voice
- Perceptual evaluation of voice quality: Review, tutorial, and a framework for future research
Jody Kreiman & Bruce R. Gerratt; Gail B. Kempster, Andrew Erman, Gerald S. Berke - Test-retest study of the GRBAS scale: Influence of experience and professional background on perceptual rating of voice quality
Marc S. DeBodt, Floris L. Wuyts, Paul H. Van de Heyning, Christophe Croux
- Perceptual evaluation of voice quality: Review, tutorial, and a framework for future research
- Chapter Three - Description and Quantification of Voice Production
- A clinical method for estimating laryngeal airway resistance during vowel production
Thomas J. Hixon & Judith R. Smitheran - Acoustic correlates of vocal quality
Douglas M. Hicks, L. Eskenari, D.G. Childers - Acoustic correlates of breathy vocal quality
James M. Hillenbrand, Ronald A. Cleveland, Robert L. Erickson - Changes in phonation threshold pressure with induced conditions of hydration
Verdolini-Marston Katherine, Ingo R. Titze, David G. Druker
- A clinical method for estimating laryngeal airway resistance during vowel production
- Chapter Four - Clinical Voice Disorders and Voice Therapy
- Comparison of two forms of intensive speech treatment for Parkinson disease
Lorraine O. Ramig, Stefanie Countryman, Laetitia L. Thompson, Yoshiyuki Horii - Muscle misuse voice disorders: Description and classification
Murray D. Morrison & Linda A. Rammage - Frequency and effects of teachers' voice problems
Elaine Smith, Steven D. Gray, Heather Dove, Lester Kirchner, and Heidi Heras
- Comparison of two forms of intensive speech treatment for Parkinson disease
- Chapter Five - Laryngopharyngeal Reflux and its Sequelae
- Laryngopharyngeal reflux: Position statement of the Committee on Speech, Voice, and Swallowing Disorders of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
James (Jamie) Koufman, MD; Jonathan E. Aviv, MD; Roy R. Casiano, MD; Gary Y. Shaw, MD - Role of refluxed acid in pathogenesis of laryngeal disorders
Robert J. Toohill, MD, FACS; Joan C. Kuhn, MS, CCC-SLP - Contact ulcer of the larynx
Jerrie Cherry, MD; and Stanley Margulies, MD - The otolaryngologic manifestations of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): a clinical investigation of 225 patients using ambulatory 24- hour pH monitoring and an experimental investigation of the role of acid and pepsin in the development of laryngeal injury
James (Jamie) A. Koufman, MD
- Laryngopharyngeal reflux: Position statement of the Committee on Speech, Voice, and Swallowing Disorders of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
- Chapter Six - Endoscopic Laryngeal Surgery
- Laser surgery in the larynx. Early clinical experience with continuous CO 2 laser
Stuart M. Strong, MD; Geza J. Jako, MD
- Laser surgery in the larynx. Early clinical experience with continuous CO 2 laser
- Chapter Seven - Benign Laryngeal Lesions
- Benign pathologic responses of the larynx
Steven D. Gray, MD; Elizabeth Hammond, MD; Darrin F. Hanson, MD - Cysts of the larynxclassification
Lawrence W. DeSanto, MD; Kenneth D. Devine, MD; Louis H. Weiland, MD
- Benign pathologic responses of the larynx
- Chapter Eight - Laryngeal Scarring and Stenosis
- Mitomycin: Effects on laryngeal and tracheal stenosis, benefits, and complications
Stanley M. Shapshay, MD; Reza Rahbar, DMD, MD; Gerald B. Healy, MD - Vocal fold scarring: Current concepts and management
Michael S. Benninger, MD; David Alessi, MD; Sanford Archer, MD; Robert Bastian, MD; Charles Ford, MD; James Koufman, MD; Robert T. Sataloff, MD; Joseph R. Spiegel, MD
- Mitomycin: Effects on laryngeal and tracheal stenosis, benefits, and complications
- Chapter Nine - Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis
- Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis
Craig S. Derkay, MD - Laryngeal papillomavirus infection during clinical remission
Bettie M. Steinberg, Ph.D.; William C. Topp, Ph.D.; Patricia S. Schneider, Ph.D.; Allan L. Abramson, MD - Intralesional cidofovir for recurrent respiratory papillomatosis in children
Seth M. Pransky, MD; Anthony E. Magit, MD; Donald B. Kearns, MD; D. Richard Kang, MD; Newton O. Duncan, MD
- Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis
- Chapter Ten - Laryngeal Malignancy and Vocal Outcomes
- Comparative voice results after laser resection or irradiation of T1 vocal cord carcinoma
W. Frederick McGuirt, MD; David Blalock, MA; James A. Koufman, MD; Robert S. Feehs, MD; Anita J. Hillard, MD; Kathy Greven, MD; Mark Randall, MD - Premalignant epithelium and microinvasive cancer of the vocal fold: The evolution of phonomicrosurgical management
Steven M. Zeitels, MD, FACS
- Comparative voice results after laser resection or irradiation of T1 vocal cord carcinoma
- Chapter Eleven - Vocal Fold Paralysis
- Configuration of the glottis in laryngeal paralysis. I: Clinical study
Gayle E. Woodson, MD - Evaluation and treatment of the unilateral paralyzed vocal fold
Michael S. Benninger, MD; Roger L. Crumley, MD; Charles N. Ford, MD; Wilbur J. Gould, MD; David G. Hanson, MD; Robert H. Ossoff, DMD, MD; Robert T. Sataloff, MD, DMA - Etiology of bilateral abductor vocal cord paralysis. A review of 389 cases
Lauren Holinger, MD; Paul C. Holinger, MD; Paul H. Holinger, MD
- Configuration of the glottis in laryngeal paralysis. I: Clinical study
- Chapter Twelve - Vocal Fold Augmentation
- Role of injectable collagen in the treatment of glottic insufficiency: A study of 119 patients
Charles N. Ford, MD; Diane M. Bless, MD; Jean M. Loftus, MD - Autologous fat injection into the vocal folds: Technical considerations and long-term follow-up
''Gary Y. Shaw, MD; Mark A. Szewczyk, MD; Jeff Searle, CCC-SLP; Janet Woodroof, MD - Viscosities of implantable biomaterials in vocal fold augmentation surgery
Roger W. Chan, BSc; Ingo R. Titze, PhD
- Role of injectable collagen in the treatment of glottic insufficiency: A study of 119 patients
- Chapter Thirteen - Laryngeal Framework Surgery
- Arytenoid Adduction for Unilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis
Nobuhiko Isshiki, MD; Masahiro Tanabe, MD; Masaki Sawada, MD - Silastic medialization and arytenoid adduction: the Vanderbilt experience. A review of 116 phonosurgical procedures
James L. Netterville, MD; R. E. Stone, PhD; Elizabeth S. Luken, MS; Francisco J. Civantos, MD; Robert H. Ossoff, DMD, MD - Thyroplasty as a new phonosurgical technique
Nobuhiko Isshiki; H. Morita; H. Okamura; and M. Hiramoto
- Arytenoid Adduction for Unilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis
- Chapter Fourteen - Laryngeal Dystonia
- Laryngeal dystonia: A series with botulinum toxin therapy
Andrew Blitzer, MD, DDS; Mitchell F. Brin, MD - Recurrent laryngeal nerve section for spastic dysphonia
Herbert H. Dedo, MD
- Laryngeal dystonia: A series with botulinum toxin therapy
- Chapter Fifteen - Laryngeal Transplant
- Laryngeal Transplantation and 40-Month Follow-Up
Marshall Strome, MD; Jeannine Stein, MD; Ramon Esclamado, MD; Douglas Hicks, PhD; Robert R. Lorenz, MD; William Braun, MD; Randall Yetman, MD; Issac Eliachar, MD; James Mayes, MD
- Laryngeal Transplantation and 40-Month Follow-Up

Classics in Rhinology
First Edition
Michael S. Benninger, Marvin P. Fried
Details: 480 pages, B&W, Softcover, 8.5" x 11"
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-406-9
© 2015 | Available