Sylvia Rotfleisch

Sylvia Rotfleisch, MSc(A), CCC/A, BSc(OT), LSLS Cert, AVT, is a certified Auditory-Verbal therapist, educator, and audiologist. She has devoted her career to providing therapy to families with children with hearing loss and teaching and mentoring other professionals. Trained at McGill University with Dr. Daniel Ling, Ms. Rotfleisch worked at Montreal Oral School for the Deaf, House Ear Institute, and Echo Horizon School before starting Hear to Talk (, her own private practice. In addition to working with hundreds of families over more than 35 years, Ms. Rotfleisch has taught at University of Southern California, California Lutheran University, and led international master classes. She lectures, consults and mentors for school districts, helping to update their professional staff and mentors for LSL certification. She has presented at a wide variety of workshops and conferences. Ms. Rotfleisch has also served a variety of committees, including for AG Bell Academy for Listening and Spoken Language® and the task Force on Principles of Auditory-Verbal Therapy.