Visual Examination of Voice Disorders
First Edition
Christine Sapienza, Bari Hoffman
Details: DVD
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-514-1
© 2013 | Available
Purchase Print Book
Price: $49.95
An excellent teaching tool, this DVD contains digital images of laryngoscopic, videostroboscopic, high speed imaging examinations, and phonosurgical procedures. It is an excellent source to be used in any graduate voice disorders class.
For the second edition, the authors have added 30 new laryngeal exams, new laryngeal image color plates, and new sections on vocal pathologies, including discussion of autoimmune diseases.
DVD contents:
Chapter 5 Structural
- Video Clips
- Bilateral Varices
- Bowing
- Bowing: Hyperfunction with Increased Effort
- Cancer
- Candida and Hyperkeratonsis
- Candida/ Hyperleratosis/ Reinke's
- Generalized Edema with Prenodular
- Generalized Edema with RTVF Subglottic Murucs
- Generalized Edema, Bilateral Vocal Nodules
- Excessive Mucous
- Fungal Infection
- Granuloma
- Granuloma and Generalized Vocal Fold Edema
- Granuloma and Hyperfunction
- Granuloma and LPR
- LTVF Posterior Lesion Granuloma
- Healthy Female
- Hemangioma
- Heiangioma in Arytenoid Complex
- LTVF Hemorrhage
- VF Hemmorrhage
- Hemorrhagic Polyp
- Opera Singer with Hemorrhagic Polyp and Edema
- LTVF Hemorrhagic Polyp with Generalized Ectasia
- Hemorrhagic Polyp/ Aneterior Mirco Web/LPR
- Hyperemia and Hypofunction
- Hyperemia and LPR
- Hyperkeratosis and Microweb
- Hypofuncion
- Laryngeal Ventricle Cyst
- Laryngitis/Prenodular Swelling
- Leukoplakia Small Vocal Fold Polyp
- LPR and Ectasia in a Singer
- LPR Increased Mucus VF Edema
- Persistent Mucus, Generalized Edema
- Generalized Edema, Posterior Erythemia
- Microweb and Ectasia
- Extensive Papilloma
- Papilloma
- Papilloma with Possible Fungal Infection
- Pediatric Subglottic Stenosis
- Generalized Edema, Bilateral Vocal Nodules
- Multiobed Polyp
- Pendunculated Polyp
- Pin Point Nodules in a Singer
- Polyp
- Polyp: Adolescent Singer
- Polyp and Excessive Mucus
- Polyp/LPR
- Polyp and Right Ventricular Fold Cancer
- Polyp Reactive Nodule and Mircoweb
- Polyp Varix LPR
- Generalized Edema, LTVF Bilobed Polyp
- LTVF Polyp and Bilateral Ectasia
- Prenodular Swelling
- Presbylaryngis
- Persistent Standin Mucus
- Reinke's Edema
- Reinke's Edema and Leukoplakia
- Reinke's Edema/Hyperkeratosis
- Reinke's Edema; Polypoid Degeneration
- Reinke's Edema Smokers Polyp
- Rotated and Omega Shaped Epiglottis
- RTVF Polyp
- Severe Dysplasia
- Severe Polypoid Degeneration in Adult Female
- Subglottic Phonation
- Varix; LPR
- Varix LPR and LTVF Prominence
- Ventricular Compression
- Vocal Fold Polyp/Generalized Edema/LPR
- Posterior Web
- Web and Papilloma
- Web Polyp and Leukoplakia
- Web Post Multiple Sugrical Removal of Papilloma
- Still Images
Chapter 6 Neurological
- Video Clips
- Bilateral Abductor Paralysis
- Bowing and Hyprofunction in PD; LPR
- Bowing and AP, Lateral Compresion
- Bowing Small Pinpoint Polyp and Ectasia
- LTVF Bowing and Paresis
- Essential Tremor
- Hypofunction due to PD and LPR
- Laryngeal Tremor/Bowing
- LTVF Adductor Paralysis
- LTVF Adductor Paralysis
- Post Thyroplasty, LTVF
- Unilateral Abductor Paralysis/LPR
- Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis
- Vocal Fold Paralysis
- Paresis
- Tremor and Pre- Post- Granuloma
Chapter 8 Surgical
- Video Clips
- C02 Laser Excision of Bilateral Squamous Cell
- Microlaryngoscopy Surgical Removal of Vocal Nodules
- Reinke's Microflap Procedure
- Post Op Laryngeal Exam Reikne's Edema
- Surgical Removal of Papilloma
- Pre and Post Thyroplasty Surgery
- Phonosurgical Images
Head & Neck Cancer
- Video Clips
- Base of Tongue and Epiglottic Cancer
- Head & Neck Cancer
- Leukoplakia Hyperkeratosis
- Post Cordotomy
- Superaglottic Tumor
High Speed Video
- Video Clips
- B&W Video at 4000fps
- Color High Speed Video with Onset and Offset Shown
- Glissando Phonation
- Glottal Fry
- Loud Breathy Onset
- Normal 4000fps
- Rough Voice with Aperiodicity

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Textbook of Voice Disorders
First Edition
Albert L. Merati, Steven A. Bielamowicz
Details: 278 pages, Full Color, PDF ebook
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-137-2
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Voice Disorders
Fourth Edition
Christine Sapienza, Bari Hoffman
Details: 517 pages, Full Color, Softcover, 7" x 10"
ISBN13: 978-1-63550-251-0
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Respiratory Muscle Strength Training
First Edition
Christine Sapienza, Bari Hoffman
Details: 279 pages, B&W, Softcover, 6" x 9"
ISBN13: 978-1-63550-257-2
© 2021 | Available