Fundamentals of AAC: A Case-Based Approach to Enhancing Communication.
First Edition
Nerissa Hall, Jenifer Juengling-Sudkamp, Michelle L. Gutmann, Ellen R. Cohn
Details: 545 pages, B&W, Softcover, 8.5" x 11"
ISBN13: 978-1-63550-353-1
© 2023 | Available
For Instructors
Fundamentals of AAC: A Case-Based Approach to Enhancing Communication is a course-friendly textbook designed to walk readers through the theoretical and clinical underpinnings of assessment, intervention, and consultation for individuals with complex communication needs across the lifespan. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) encompasses a variety of communication methods and is used by those with a wide range of speech and language impairments. With a consistent framework and descriptive case studies, as well as input from various stakeholders, readers can gain a comprehensive understanding of the needs of persons who use AAC and how to provide them with ethically and culturally considerate support.
Unlike other texts on this topic, this book empowers the reader to visualize AAC in action. Each chapter offers evidence-based information about the topic along with a case study. The case studies combined with short essays from various stakeholders illustrate the variety of ways in which AAC can enhance an individual’s connection with their communication partners and community, and the role of the speech-language pathologist as integral to this process.
Intended to easily translate into a 6-, 8-, or 13-week semester course, this textbook is divided into seven distinct sections:
- Section I provides an overview of AAC, no-tech, mid-tech, and high-tech AAC systems, as well as mobile technology and advancing technology.
- Section II discusses cultural and linguistic responsivity and how this underlies AAC systems and services.
- Section III reviews AAC assessment, intervention and implementation for toddlers, preschoolers, and school-aged individuals, along with goal-writing and data collection.
- Section IV covers assessment, intervention, and implementation for young adults and adults needing AAC.
- Section V offers the reader detailed information and rich examples of the application of AAC for persons with developmental disabilities.
- Section VI provides the theoretical foundation and exemplar case studies of AAC for persons with acquired disabilities.
- Section VII details consultation and training for various stakeholders, as well as tele-AAC services.
Key Features
- Overviews with key terms set the stage for each section
- 36 case studies with questions and visuals to clearly depict each case
- Boxes with practical tips and expert advice
- A PluralPlus companion website with diverse online resources for instructors in the Instructor’s Manual and video vignettes and tutorials for readers
Instructor test bank available on the Respondus Test Bank Network.
"A comprehensive text that will appeal to speech and language therapists at all stages of their careers, from undergraduate through to seasoned professionals working directly in the field.
Despite there being 64 contributors (mostly from the US), the editors have successfully managed to ensure a logical flow to the chapters, taking the reader from the system and language fundamentals of no/low, mid and high-tech examples of AAC (augmentative and alternative communication) through to assessment and interventions with differing caseloads spanning child to teenager to adult across a number of settings. Powerful use of case studies bring the individuals’ unique circumstances and requirements from AAC to life – much is made of the necessity to develop the system with the individual’s collaboration using vocabulary and phrases that are meaningful to them. I know from experience that communication charts rustled up by the well-meaning SLTs without such collaboration are destined to gather dust in a drawer and never see the light of day. There is refreshing consideration to cultural aspects of the individual’s life, whether this be faith or sexuality, and how this can be represented via AAC – the vocabulary lists are particularly useful.
The text is interspersed with essays that are thought provoking – i.e. expansion of the digital arena and its effects on AAC and ethical considerations in critical health situations (informed consent) – and could be useful journal club topics, prompting wider discussion.
As a manager in an acute setting, I was particularly impressed by the chapters on dementia, neurodegenerative disorders and the intensive care setting, and have been prompted to consider how we deliver an appropriate AAC service to these patients."
—Hayley Forrest, Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust, UK, in ENT & Audiology News (January/February 2024)
"Fundamentals of AAC: A Case-Based Approach to Enhancing Communication provides a great foundation to explore many of the processes involved in supporting someone who uses AAC from gathering case history to assessment; target setting to implementation. The textbook would be a useful starting point for a clinician interested in the field of AAC and also as a reference book for those already practising in this area who perhaps work with a range of client groups. The information is up-to-date, considering the latest technology and research from recent years."
—Sarah Alderman Reilly, Specialist Speech and Language Therapist, in Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 2023, Vol. 39(3) 275–276
"Professionals often feel underprepared to assess, treat, and implement communication systems, and this book equips clinicians with the confidence to explore clients' needs, evaluate different devices, and consider the advantages and disadvantages of each. Experts in the field acknowledge that assessment, treatment, and implementation of AAC is unique for each individual and consider one's cognitive-linguistic profile, physical skills, sense of self, and psychosocial needs, including family and community. The chapters target these considerations as each author discusses a specific topic, such as choosing
vocabulary, tech level, type of devices, and training. ...The book provides a thorough representation of what clinicians might encounter when considering a low-tech, mid-tech, or high-tech communication system, regardless of the professional setting. It also covers the lifespan from infants to end of life. The book discusses ethical considerations, cultural topics for African American, Hispanic, and LGBTQIA+ communities, and religious topics, such as addressing faith-based vocabulary for Protestant Christian, Jewish, and Muslim users. The content is well organized and thorough in its presentation. Each author engages readers through a presentation related to the topic, using visuals and a stimulating case study. The chapters are relatively
short and easy to follow. ...This extensive resource will be invaluable to those working with a variety of populations.
As a practicing speech-language pathologist in the field, I feel that the case studies are thought provoking
and applicable to the various populations that clinicians encounter on a daily basis."
—Darcie Hultberg, BA, MS, CCC-SLP, Biola University, for Doody' Reviews
"This is the MOST complete and integrated text I’ve seen, and I think I have desk copies of every AAC text in print. ...I especially appreciate the consistent organization of the case studies. I think this will maximize what students/clinicians are able to take away in terms of a clinical reasoning perspective. ...This book integrates the components of AAC practice that I have cobbled together over the last five years of teaching AAC to graduate students. I especially appreciate the Essays component and the extensive resources on culturally and linguistically diverse clients. The acknowledgement of religion as a major life function and the vocabulary subsets included are unique to this text. Addressing the needs of queer clients is huge, as is acknowledging and confronting the realities of sexual exploitation of people with disabilities. Further, this text really tackles goal writing and data collection (including prompting hierarchies and techniques) in a way that helps clinicians focus on the things that are IMPORTANT to measure rather than CONVENIENT to measure – a distinction I work hard to instill in my graduate cohorts. IPE/IPP and consideration processes for AAC are vital, and I appreciate the inclusion of communication partner training sections. The case profiles are fantastic as are the wide varieties of disorders/contexts in which AAC might be integrated (especially complex trauma, issues with CVI, differentiating developmental disorders and addressing them individually – all very appreciated)."
—Nikki Murphy, MS, CCC-SLP, Lecturer and Graduate Adviser, Department of Speech Pathology & Audiology, University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine
"The book was honestly well written, extremely relevant and up to date, included case studies for application, included protocols to use to help with problem solving different cases, and highlighted current paradigm shifts and reasons for these shifts. It would be a great book for every SLP to have who is working or interested in working with client who use AAC. ...I love the examples of cases throughout to prove particular points and to allow the reader to practice problem solving. All of the information was evidence based. ...This book includes EVERYTHING one would want and need to know about AAC. I would utilize this book throughout my academic course and clinical practicum course."
—Christina Loveless, MS, CCC-SLP, Assistant Clinical Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders Department, St. Louis University
"A strength of this book includes "the inclusion of several concepts that are often not included in these type of texts! I was especially excited about cultural consideration, teletherapy, caregiver coaching and clinician training, transition, data collection, end of life care, and special populations!"
—Hesper Holland, MS, CCC-SLP, Assistant Professor, Department of Speech-Language Hearing Sciences, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
"A wonderful resource in an easy-to-read format that provides the most current and relevant information about all things AAC! The case studies are a great way to illustrate the points made in the narrative. Authorship by an AAC user such as Chris Klein helps support the need for understanding in this area. The book covers the lifespan of AAC (children to adults) and addresses low-tech to high-tech options in a variety of settings (school, home, ICU, etc). ...I particularly like the information on tele-AAC. As practitioners."
—Jyutika Mehta, PhD, CCC-SLP, Professor, Department of Communication Sciences and Oral Health, Texas Woman’s University
"The AAC content within the textbook is excellent and relevant to AAC application, current issues, and needs in the field. This text would also be beneficial to SLPs practicing in the field who are new to AAC or who need a refresher. ...I believe the strengths of this book are related to highly experienced researchers and practitioners who contributed to the creation of the content. Chapters that relate to Cultural/Linguistic and Gender issues are highly needed additions to the field of AAC and I have rarely seen such extensive information regarding these topics in current textbooks. ...I am excited to see a different spin on an AAC textbook. The case examples are critical pieces to helping our students and current practitioners understand and problem solve real issues in AAC."
—Laura E. Smith, MA, CCC-L/SLP, TSHH, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Communicative Disorders and Sciences, University at Buffalo, State University of New York
"I appreciate the cases and the essays to drive home the points of the chapters. The parent essays are a nice touch to give students an idea of what parents of AAC users go through. ...I do not know of any other textbook that includes information on Mobile AAC. They may mention apps and IOS or android platforms but not to the level of information that this chapter provides. That chapter was very helpful for me as an instructor! ...I really appreciate the extent of Adult information that is contained in this book. I typically have to pull from several resources to cover all of the adult content areas and they are really all found in this one text. ...I believe this textbook would be helpful for practicing SLPs in the field who never took an AAC course."
—Nicole W. Gallagher, MS, CCC-SLP, Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, University of Connecticut
"Strengths of this book: The variety of case studies, and that they are engaging to read. They will hold the reader’s attention and teach them something along the way. Also, the range of contributors is diverse and it discusses things that I haven’t seen elsewhere."
—Vicki L. Haddix, MS, CCC-SLP, Clinical Associate Professor, School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of Memphis
"This book provides a comprehensive introduction of AAC for students new to AAC, whether at the undergraduate or graduate level. In addition to a strong coverage of theory and foundational concepts, it includes relevant case studies, and a significant amount of visual support. The book highlights many complex issues facing both individuals with complex communication needs and the professionals working with them. ...The material is well integrated. Your inclusion of the information about Luterman and counselling is very forward thinking. As well, the material about aphasia, TBI, and dementia was discussed thoroughly. The discussion of end-of-life issues was very well done, as were other “hot topics,” including crime, and sexuality."
—Margaret Vento-Wilson, PhD, CCC-SLP, Assistant Professor, California State University, Long Beach, Department of Speech-Language Pathology
"I like how the authors delineated between no-Tech/Lite-Tech, Mid/High Tech AAC. I get many questions about what makes what device “low tech/high tech”. Another strength was the inclusion of cultural considerations within the area of AAC, there just isn't a lot of good/solid information reported on within this area. I also appreciated the data collection/goal writing portion of the text along with the inclusion of telehealth. ...Teaching the course, I have not had experiences with many adults, so I am restricted as to what I can share from my professional background, having adult case studies reinforce each part of the text is so helpful!"
—Katherine M. Czelatdko, MS, CCC-SLP, Clinical Assistant Professor, Speech Pathology and Audiology, Marquette University
About the Editors
Section I. AAC System Fundamentals
Chapter 1. A Co-Constructed Description of AAC
Nerissa Hall, Hillary K. Jellison, Maria Burke, William Burke, Craig Burke, and Julia Serra
A Change in Focus
A Co-Constructed Understanding of AAC
In Conclusion
Case Study: WB
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
The AAC System
Next Steps
Chapter 2. No-Tech AAC
Amal M. Maghazil
Unaided AAC
Aided AAC
In Conclusion
Case Study: PG
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
Next Steps
Chapter 3. Mid- and High-Tech AAC
Elena M. Fader
Mid-Tech AAC
High-Tech AAC
Communicative Purpose
In Conclusion
Case Study: RA
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
Next Steps
Chapter 4. Mobile AAC
Oliver Wendt
Introduction: What Are Mobile Technologies?
The Mobile Technology Revolution in AAC
Principles in Mobile Technology Application Design
Research Evidence and Funding Issues Related to Mobile Technology
Case Study: LM
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
AAC Considerations
The AAC System or Service
Next Steps
Chapter 5. Physical Access Features of AAC
Kathryn D’Agostino Russo
What Is Alternate Access and Who Is It for?
Types of Alternate Access
Assessment for Alternate Access
Multimodal and Low-Tech Access for Communication
Considering Multiple Methods of Access
Access and Mobile Tablets
Learning Language and Access Skills
In Conclusion
Case Study: JB
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
AAC Considerations
The AAC System or Service
Next Steps
Essay 1. Clinical Considerations and AAC: The Future of AAC
Mai Ling Chan
Section II. AAC Language Fundamentals
Essay 2. Cultural Considerations and AAC: Culture and Social and Economic
Determinants of Health and the Use of AAC
Ellen R. Cohn and Mario C. Browne
What Are Social Determinants of Health?
Scenario 1: A Family Suffering From Societal and Economic Stressors
Scenario 2: A Family With Superior Resources
Digital Resources and Social Determinants of Health
Chapter 6. Cultural and Linguistic Responsivity in AAC
Gloria Soto and Marika King
Consequences of Subtractive Bilingual Environments for AAC Users
Building Additive Bilingual Environments for AAC Users
Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Assessment
Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Intervention
Case Study: JR
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
Next Steps
Chapter 7. Language and Vocabulary Features of AAC
Brittney Cooper, MariaTeresa “Teri” H. Muñoz, and Gloria Soto
General Considerations
Vocabulary Selection Frameworks
Types of Vocabulary
Vocabulary Selection Tools
In Conclusion
Case Study: AN
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
Next Steps
Essay 3. Cultural Considerations and AAC: Introduction to Models of Culture
Ellen R. Cohn and John W. Gareis
Edward T. Hall’s Cultural Iceberg Model
Purnell’s Model for Cultural Competence
Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Model
Essay 4. Cultural Considerations and AAC: Introduction to African American
Culture—Cultural Values and Communicating Respect
Paula K. Davis
Essay 5. Cultural Considerations and AAC: Introduction to Hispanic Culture ––
Cultural Values and Communicating Respect
Glen M. Tellis
Cultural Values and Communicating Respect
Respect for Authority
Cultural Values and Other Aspects
Essay 6. Cultural Considerations and AAC: LGBTQIA+ Affirmative Practice:
Empowering Our Queer Clients and Families
Gazit Chaya Nkosi
Vocabulary and Definitions
Essay 7. Cultural Considerations and AAC: Self-Evaluation of Cultural Competence
Dorian Lee-Wilkerson and Shelly Chabon
Essay 8. Cultural Considerations and AAC: Religious Considerations
John W. Gareis
Prescription Medication
Medical Procedures
Essay 9. Cultural Considerations and AAC: Essential Faith-Based Vocabulary
for Protestant Christian Users of AAC
John W. Gareis
Essay 10. Cultural Considerations and AAC: Essential Vocabulary for Jewish
Users of AAC
Karen J. Golding-Kushner
How the Deity Is Referred To
Titles of Religious Leaders and Other Key Figures
Things We Read and Write
Ritual Objects and Related Things
What We Do and Say
Holidays and Celebrations
Praying: Key Prayers, Blessings, and Names of Services
Where We Go: Houses of Worship, Study, and Gathering
Life-Span Topics
Who We Are
Guidance on Use of This Vocabulary
Essay 11. Cultural Considerations and AAC: Essential Vocabulary for
Muslim Users of AAC
Amal M. Maghazil
Guidance on Use of This Vocabulary
Religious Texts
Religious Leaders and Other Key Figures
Houses of Worship
Ritual Objects/Related Things
Holidays and Celebrations
Prayers and Names of Services
Life-Span Topics
Who We Are
Section III. AAC Assessment, Intervention, and Implementation for
Infants, Toddlers, and School-Aged Individuals
Essay 12. Ethical Considerations and AAC: A Framework for Ethical
Communication and Practice
Paula Leslie
Essay 13. Ethical Considerations and AAC: A Consumer’s Perspective
Chris Klein and Katya Hill
Chapter 8. Assessing Toddlers and Preschoolers
Meher Banajee
General Principles of Assessment of Toddlers and Preschoolers
Preparation for the Assessment
Case Study: RC
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
Rationale for Clinical Decision-Making
Next Steps
Chapter 9. Intervention and Implementation for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Using AAC
Barbara Weber
Case Study: IB
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
The AAC System
Rationale for Clinical Decision-Making
Next Steps
Chapter 10. Assessing School-Aged Individuals
Sarah Gregory
Case Study: RJ
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
The AAC System or Service Considerations
AAC Considerations
Next Steps
Chapter 11. Intervention and Implementation for School-Aged Individuals
Using AAC
Amanda Soper
Intervention Across the Five Domains of Language
Intervention Across AAC Competencies
Innovation/Modifications to Existing Language Therapy Tools
Descriptive Teaching Method
Support and Teaching Strategies
Case Study: JV
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
Ongoing Assessment
Intervention Strategies and Implementation Supports
Essay 14. Clinical Considerations and AAC:AAC and Literacy
Lesley Quinn
Chapter 12. Data Collection and Goal Writing in AAC
Kate Grandbois and Amy Wonkka
Goal Writing
Case Study: SB
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
The Data Collection System
The Rationale for Clinical Decision-Making
Next Steps
Essay 15. Clinical Considerations and AAC: Visual Support for AAC
Amy Wonkka and Kate Grandbois
Chapter 13. AAC for the Child in End-of-Life Care
Rachel Santiago
The Care Team at End-of-Life
Communication Planning
Common Needs and Symptoms Children May Experience at End-of-Life
AAC Considerations at End-Of-Life
Case Study: GM
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
AAC Considerations
Next Steps
Section IV. AAC Assessment, Intervention, and Implementation
for Adults
Chapter 14. Services for Young Adults Using AAC Transitioning to Adulthood
Diane Nelson Bryen
New and Emerging Communication Technologies
AAC and the Importance of Transition
Case Study: CK
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
AAC Considerations
Next Steps
Chapter 15. Assessing Adults
Jeffrey K. Riley, Lois Turner, and Stacey Harpell
Communication Assessment and Action Plan
Final Report
Case Study: GB
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
The Assessment
Next Steps
Essay 16. Ethical Considerations and AAC: Ethical Vendor Relationships
Katya Hill
Chapter 16. Intervention and Implementation for Adults With
Neurodegenerative Disorders Using AAC
Catherine Kanter, Emily Kornman, and Annette M. Stone
Education and Counseling
Final Thoughts
Case Study: SH
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
AAC System or Service Considerations
Next Steps
Chapter 17. AAC for the Individual in the Intensive Care Unit
Richard R. Hurtig and Tami Altschuler
Introduction: Communication Risks and Barriers Including Health Disparities,
Diversity, and Inclusion
Special Considerations for the Intensive Care Unit
Patient Care Standards
Communication Partner Training and Interprofessional Practice
Life-Sustaining Decision-Making and End-of-Life Communication
Best Practices Models
Case Study: EG
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
AAC Considerations
Next Steps
Chapter 18. AAC for Adults in End-of-Life Care
Amanda Stead
Communication Difficulties at End-of-Life
How AAC Can Support Communication, Socialization, and Decision-Making
Case Study: KM
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
AAC Considerations
The AAC System or Service
Next Steps
Section V. AAC for Persons With Developmental Disabilities
Essay 17. Clinical Considerations and AAC: A Parent’s Perspective
Danielle A. Wagoner
Always L.I.S.T.E.N.
Chapter 19. AAC for Persons With Developmental Disabilities
Jeeva John
The Fundamentals
Challenging Behaviors and the Role of Speech-Language Pathologists
AAC Evolves Across Their Life Span
Establish “Buy-in” and Prepare for the Communication Journey
Assessment and Selecting a Tool
Investigative Intervention
Designing a Meaningful Communication System
Consultation Services
Case Study: KC
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
AAC Considerations
Next Steps
Chapter 20. AAC for Persons With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Tanushree Saxena-Chandhok, Deborah Xinyi Yong, and Sarah Miriam Yong Oi Tsun
SETT Framework
Communicative Competence
AAC Intervention Strategies
The Role of the Caregiver in AAC Intervention
Case Study: EL
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
AAC Considerations
Next Steps
Chapter 21. AAC for Persons With Cerebral Palsy
Katya Hill
AAC Strategies and Technology
AAC Assessment
Case Study: PL
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
AAC System and Service Considerations
Next Steps
Essay 18. Clinical Considerations and AAC: The Other “A” for “Augmentative”
Rebecca M. Lavelle
Chapter 22. AAC for Persons With Specific Sensory Impairments
Lesley Quinn and Hillary K. Jellison
Dual Sensory Impairment
Cortical Visual Impairment
AAC and Sensory Impairments
Case Study: HS
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
AAC Considerations
Next Steps
Chapter 23. AAC for Individuals With Sensory Integration Challenges
Sarah Gregory and Elisa Wern
Competencies Versus Sensory Integration Areas
Considerations for the Trial Process
Instructional Strategies
Case Study: ES
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
AAC Considerations
The AAC System or Service
Next Steps
Chapter 24. AAC for Persons With Complex Trauma
Lesley Quinn
Case Study: PW
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
AAC Considerations
Next Steps
Section VI. AAC for Persons With Acquired Disabilities
Essay 19. Ethical Considerations and AAC: Critical Health Situations,
Informed Consent, and the Importance of Appropriate AAC
Paula Leslie
Chapter 25. AAC for Persons With Traumatic Brain Injury
Lindsay R. James Riegler and Laura P. Klug
Review of Cognitive-Communication Deficits in TBI
AAC Versus Assistive Technology Versus Information and Communication Technologies
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Assistive Technology
Information and Communication Technologies
Special Considerations
Case Study: TH
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
AAC Considerations
Next Steps
Chapter 26. AAC for Persons With Motor Speech Disorders
Mary Andrianopoulos
Case Study: RL
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
AAC Considerations
Next Steps
Chapter 27. AAC for Persons With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Telina Caudill
Communication Symptoms
Voice Disorder
Communication Needs
Intervention Phases
Phase 1: Monitor, Prepare, and Support
Phase 2: Assess, Recommend, and Implement
Phase 3: Adapt and Accommodate
Case Study: RP
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
AAC System or Service Considerations
The Rationale for Clinical Decision-Making
Next Steps
Chapter 28. AAC for Persons With Aphasia
Kimberly A. Eichhorn
Case Study: WP
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
AAC Considerations
Next Steps
Chapter 29. AAC for Persons With Dementia 431
Vanessa L. Burshnic-Neal
Setting the Stage for AAC Use in Dementia
Strengths and Deficits in Dementia
Strengths and Deficits in Dementia: Clinical Implications
Guidelines for Developing AAC for People With Dementia
Examples of AAC for People With Dementia
Supported Preference Assessment
Memory Books
Orientation Aids
Reminder Cards
Activities of Daily Living Support
Supporting Care Partners
Case Study: AM
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
AAC Considerations
The Rationale for Clinical Decision-Making
Next Steps
Chapter 30. AAC for Persons Who Are Medically Complex
Abygail E. Marx and Sarah Marshall
Participation Framework
Case Study: LG
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
AAC System or Service Considerations
Next Steps
Section VII. AAC Services for Stakeholders
Chapter 31. AAC Consultation
Erin S. Sheldon
The Fundamentals of AAC Consultation
Limits of the Traditional AAC Consultation Process
Collaborative Consultation
The Collaborative Consultation Process
Speech-Language Pathologists as Learners
Speech-Language Pathologists as Teachers
Developing Consensus on the Problem
Shared Decision-Making
Building Capacity for AAC Implementation
Case Study: JE
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
Next Steps
Chapter 32. Communication Partner Training for Families
Tabitha Jones-Wohleber
Family Characteristics
AAC in Everyday Life
All-the-Time Access
Leverage Requesting
“Something Different”—All-the-Time Choice
Before, During, and After
Spiraling Learning Experiences for AAC Communication Partners: Four Key Elements
Case Study: PH
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
AAC Service Considerations
Next Steps
Chapter 33. Communication Partner Training for Clinicians
Tabitha Jones-Wohleber
Communication-Partner Training
Responsive and Engaging Communication Partners
Supporting Adult Learners to Teach AAC
Models of Support
Designing Effective Learning Opportunities for Communication Partners
Barriers to AAC Implementation
Opportunity Barriers Include Attitude, Knowledge, Skill, Practice, and Policy Barriers
Case Study: JT
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
AAC Considerations for Training
Next Steps
Chapter 34. Communication Partner Training for Staff
Jill E. Senner and Matthew R. Baud
Case Study: BT
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
AAC Considerations
Next Steps
Chapter 35. Tele-AAC: The Basics
Michelle Boisvert
Methods of Tele-AAC Service Delivery
Hardware and Software Considerations
Case Study: JS
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
Tele-AAC Setup for Optimal Visual Access
Next Steps
Chapter 36. Tele-AAC for Service Delivery
Michelle Boisvert
Case Study: JS
Clinical Profile and Communication Needs
The AAC System or Service
Next Steps
Essay 20. Clinical Considerations and AAC: Building My AAC Village
Tannalynn Neufeld
Fundamentals of AAC: A Case-Based Approach to Enhancing Communication comes with access to supplementary student and instructor materials on a PluralPlus companion website.
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