Intervention for Preschoolers with Communication Delays: Practical Strategies
First Edition
Prathibha Karanth, Celeste Roseberry-McKibbin, Priya James
Details: 176 pages, B&W, Softcover, 8.5" x 11"
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-978-1
© 2017 | Available
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Price: $39.95
Intervention for Preschoolers with Communication Delays: Practical Strategies was created out of concern for the increasing number of children identified with developmental language disorders, including those with autism spectrum disorder, and the lack of adequate resources for them. This manual addresses communication skills for preschoolers between the ages of 3 and 6 years with communication delays. Since language and overall communication skills are so closely associated with future school success, therapists and caregivers should be equipped to build these skills in children. This manual has been designed with a view to the difficulties faced by therapists and caregivers of children with communication delays during day-to-day interactions. The activities can be used in a wide variety of settings. They can be used in the therapy rooms of speech-language pathologists (SLPs), preschool classrooms, daycare settings, and children's homes. The activities are especially ideal for SLPs who conduct home visits to provide intervention in children's natural, daily settings.
This manual is intended to guide the therapist or caregiver in selecting the target skills that a child should be trained in. The lesson plans outline the activities that need to be undertaken to elicit specific responses from children and establish a range of developmental skills. The simple lesson plans are intended to get the therapist or caregiver started on the process of stimulating the children in each of the domains that they need help in, at their current level of functioning. Language development has two major aspects: receptive skills, or the understanding of language, and expressive skills, or the speaking of the language. In children with communication delays, both of these aspects need to be looked at, since a child who cannot understand language will not learn to speak it. In the case of a child with a developmental language disorder, one of the aspects maybe selectively impaired. In this manual are activities and ideas that are aimed at making the learning and use of language fun and fruitful.
Also included are "Tech Tips" with recommended YouTube videos, websites, Pinterest sites, and other online resources. These online resources provide the therapist or caregiver with excellent ideas for products and practical intervention strategies that can be used for a variety of purposes when serving young children with special needs.
Background and Introduction
Directions for Use
Communication Skills
Do's and Don'ts
Project Team
Lesson Plans
Communication Skills
Appendix I. Online Resources for Practical Products and Intervention Strategies

Comprehensive Intervention for Children with Developmental Delays and Disorders: Practical Strategies (Complete Set of 10 books)
Containing ten books, this is an early intervention program for children with communication disorders such as specific language impairment, developmental verbal dyspraxia, pervasive developmental disorder, and autism spectrum disorder. The program provides multidisciplinary intervention to children, in the age range of 0-6 years, with the goal of integrating them into regular school by the school entry age of 6 years.
The complete set includes nine intervention manuals for toddlers and preschoolers that target skill building in children across the domains of motor skills (gross, fine and activities of daily living), communication (receptive and expressive language as well as Alternate and Augmentative Communication) and cognitive, social and emotional development. Lesson plans for each skill are described with clear targets, materials required and simple instructions along with illustrations. An additional program manual with checklists describes this process, the underlying rationale and what the program is all about.
This 10 book set focusing on preschoolers and toddlers includes
- Comprehensive Intervention for Children with Developmental Delays: Program *Manual and Checklists
- Intervention Manual for Prerequisite Learning Skills: Practical Strategies
- Intervention for Preschoolers with Cognitive, Social, and Emotional Delays: Practical Strategies
- Intervention for Toddlers with Cognitive, Social, and Emotional Delays: Practical Strategies
- Intervention for Preschoolers using Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Practical Strategies
- Intervention for Toddlers using Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Practical Strategies
- Intervention for Preschoolers with Gross and Fine Motor Delays: Practical Strategies
- Intervention for Toddlers with Gross and Fine Motor Delays: Practical Strategies
- Intervention for Preschoolers with Communication Delays: Practical Strategies
- Intervention for Toddlers with Communication Delays: Practical Strategies

Comprehensive Intervention for Children with Developmental Delays and Disorders: Practical Strategies for Preschoolers (Set of 6 books)
Comprehensive Intervention for Children with Developmental Delays and Disordersdescribes an early intervention program for children with communication disorders such as specific language impairment, developmental verbal dyspraxia, pervasive developmental disorder, and autism spectrum disorder. The program provides multidisciplinary intervention to children, in the age range of 0-6 years, with the goal of integrating them into regular school by the school entry age of 6 years.
This subset of the complete program focuses on preschool age children (3-6) and contains six intervention manuals for preschoolers that target skill building in children across the domains of motor skills (gross, fine and activities of daily living), communication (receptive and expressive language as well as Alternate and Augmentative Communication) and cognitive, social and emotional development. Lesson plans for each skill are described with clear targets, materials required and simple instructions along with illustrations. An additional program manual with checklists describes this process, the underlying rationale and what the program is all about.
This 6 book set focused on preschoolers includes
- Comprehensive Intervention for Children with Developmental Delays: Program Manual and Checklists
- Intervention Manual for Prerequisite Learning Skills: Practical Strategies
- Intervention for Preschoolers with Cognitive, Social, and Emotional Delays: Practical Strategies
- Intervention for Preschoolers using Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Practical Strategies
- Intervention for Preschoolers with Gross and Fine Motor Delays: Practical Strategies
- Intervention for Preschoolers with Communication Delays: Practical Strategies

Intervention Manual for Prerequisite Learning Skills Practical Strategies
First Edition
Prathibha Karanth, Celeste Roseberry-McKibbin, Priya James
Details: 144 pages, B&W, Softcover, 8.5" x 11"
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-970-5
© 2017 | Available

Comprehensive Intervention for Children with Developmental Delays: Program Manual and Checklists
First Edition
Prathibha Karanth, Priya James
Details: 80 pages, B&W Softcover, 8.5" x 11"
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-971-2
© 2017 | Available

Intervention for Toddlers with Communication Delays: Practical Strategies
First Edition
Prathibha Karanth, Celeste Roseberry-McKibbin, Priya James
Details: 168 pages, B&W, Softcover, 8.5" x 11"
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-979-8
© 2017 | Available