By Sonia Sethi Kohli and Adrienne Wallace
July 29, 2022
Have you ever wanted to start your own SLP private practice, open a related SLP business, or simply expand your roles and responsibilities as an SLP and try to do something different with your expertise? Oftentimes, the first challenge of the transitional…
By Louis R. Chesney
May 31, 2022
Children with selective mutism (SM) struggle to speak in specific situations (e.g., school) or with individuals (e.g., peers). This article presents six immediate interventions for children with SM that parents can implement with a therapist or teacher.
By Monica Gordon-Pershey
March 28, 2022
Grammar and syntax are among the skills that learners need for school success and that SLPs and education professionals can support. This article describes the cognitive-linguistic, psycholinguistic, metalinguistic, and pragmatic foundations for…
By Yvette D. Hyter
February 28, 2022
In the 1990s a new generation of faculty members in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) emerged, ready to infuse courses with or to develop and teach courses focused on “multicultural content,” which was the term at the time. Cultural competence, a…
By Margaret Lehman Blake and Jerry K. Hoepner
December 21, 2021
This article shares examples of how relating neuroscience to daily life can help make the material accessible to students.