The Vocal Athlete: Application and Technique for the Hybrid Singer.
Second Edition
Marci Daniels Rosenberg, Wendy D. LeBorgne
Details: 157 pages, B&W, Spiral Bound, 8.5" x 11"
ISBN13: 978-1-63550-164-3
© 2021 | Available
A new edition is available.
The Vocal Athlete: Application and Technique for the Hybrid Singer, Second Edition is a compilation of voice exercises created and used by well-known voice pedagogues from preeminent colleges, established private studios, and clinical settings. The exercises focus on various aspects of contemporary commercial music (CCM) including bodywork, mental preparation, registration, and much more.
New to the Second Edition
- 20 new singing exercises
- Updated and expanded exercises, figures, and references throughout
- Access to a PluralPlus companion website with audio and video files to enhance understanding of exercises
Wendy D. LeBorgne and Marci Daniels Rosenberg join the VocalFri Podcast to talk about The Vocal Athlete, a landmark voice pedagogy text that was the first of its kind to fully incorporate contemporary and musical theater singing pedagogy alongside classical voice pedagogy in a fully evidence based manner. Listen here.
Related Textbook
The book is designed to accompany the textbook, The Vocal Athlete, Second Edition, a first of its kind in singing science and pedagogy developed for singers of all styles with a particular emphasis on CCM.
The Vocal Athlete text and workbook are invaluable tools for anyone who uses or trains the singing voice or works with CCM singers.
Section I. Preparing the Singer’s Mind and Body
Introduction and Overview
Chapter 1. Exercises for Mental Focus
Centering the Breath
Barbara J. Walker
The Voice Scan
Robert C. Sussuma
Dialogue with Your Voice
Joanna Cazden
Your Voice in Real Life: A Vocal Exploration Through Laughing and Crying
Jeremy Ryan Mossman
Mental Focus and Vocal Preparation
Martin L. Spencer
Scale of Vocal Effort
Marci Daniels Rosenberg
Chapter 2. Physical Stretches and Alignment
Body Movement to Achieve Vocal Freedom
Sarah L. Schneider
Semi-Supine with Spinal Jiggle and Pelvic Bowl Slosh/Slide
Marya Spring Cordes
Freeing the Neck and Shoulders
Marina Gilman
Balancing Your Head
Marina Gilman
Climbing the Ladder
Caroline Helton
Anterior Chest Openers to Improve Posture
Jill Vonderhaar Nader
Lower Back Expansion
Sarah Maines
Postural Alignment, Core Strength, and Breath Support
Suzan Postel
Re-Organizaing the Entire Vocal Tract
Robert Sussuma
Chapter 3. Stretches and Exercises for Breathing
Physical Stretching for Optimal Rib Cage and Respiratory Muscle Expansion
Erin N. Donahue and Wendy D. LeBorgne
Finding the Abs
Joan Melton
Breath Management Strategy for Vocal Percussion
Bari Hoffman Ruddy and Adam Lloyd
Breathing Body Release Visualization
Suzan Postel
Breath Stamina Exercise for Aging Singers
Barbara Fox DeMaio
Chapter 4. Stretching and Relaxation for Tongue and Jaw
Jaw Exercises for Singing
Miriam van Mersbergen
Jaw Opening/Tongue Tension Isolation
Miriam van Mersbergen
Reducing Jaw Region Tension and Cramping
Walt Fritz
Tongue Stretches for Singers
Maria Cristina A. Jackson-Menaldi
Staccato and Legato Tongue Release
Tracy Bourne
Increasing Vocal Resonance by Decreasing Facial Tension
Catherine A. Walker
Guy-La Tongue Release and Flexibility
Edrie Means Weekly
Section II. Training the Hybrid Singer
Introduction and Overview
Chapter 5. Vocal Warm-Ups and Cool-Downs
The Motor Boat
Caroline Helton
Marci Daniels Rosenberg
Descending 5-Tone on Lip Trill
Norman Spivey
Middle Voice Palate Stretch
Beverly A. Patton
Thomas Francis Burke, III
The Gargle Exercise: Calibrate and Condition
Jennifer C. Muckala
Straw Phonation to “Floaty” /u/ for Vocal Cool-Down
Kari Ragan
Vocal Cool-Down Exercise for the Hybrid Singer
Renee O. Gottliebson
Lifting the Palate
J. Austin Collum, Emily Dunn, and Bari Hoffman Ruddy
Chapter 6. Laryngeal Strength and Coordination
Connecting the Voice to the Body and Breath
Stephanie Samaras
Katherine McConville
Messa di Voce for Musical Theatre/CCM Singers
Mary Saunders Barton
Cup Phonation: A Semioccluded Vocal Tract Exercise
Marci Daniels Rosenberg
The Elusive Whistle Register: Hanging Out Up High
Jonelyn Langenstein and Brian E. Petty
Finding Efficient Vocal Fold Closure with Glottal Fry and Creaky Voice
Amelia A. Rollings
Chapter 7. Registration and Vocal Tract Modification
Head Voice Stability
Sarah Maines
Head Voice in the Passaggio
Beverly A. Patton
You Send Me
Kathryn Green
Pinball Wizard
Kathryn Green
Released Vocal Regulation
Martin L. Spencer
Swing Arpeggio
Michelle Rosen
Speech-Like Arpeggios
Norman Spivey
Sustained (2nd, 3rd, 5th, and Octave) Glide
Bari Hoffman Ruddy and Adam Lloyd
Accessing “Mix”
Jeannette L. LoVetri
Vocalizing the Speaking Mix
Mary Saunders Barton
Four Exercises for Simple Speech
Beverly A. Patton
Register Transition Exploration
Aaron M. Johnson
Sarah L. Schneider
Meow Mix
Kelly M. Holst
Fix It in the Mix
Starr Cookman
Slidy aa’s
Lisa Popeil
James Curtis and Brian E. Petty
A Three-Part Exercise for Bright Vowels in High Tenor Voices
Billy Gollner
Belt Tactics: Physical Cues for Success
Ann Evans Watson
The Three Birds
David Harris and Laurel Irene
Chapter 8. Training Vocal Styles
Bratty Twang
Norman Spivey
Closed Position for High Conversational Music Theater
Benjamin Czarnota
Woah Yeah!
Patricia M. Linhart
Belted “Hey”
Joan Ellison
Belt High Notes Like Oprah Winfrey
Jennifer DeRosa
Blissful Belting
Joan Lader
Layla and the Canadian Surfer—Belting in Four Easy Steps
Chris York
Boom Ba Chicka
Matthew Edwards
Phrase Shifting
Marcelle Gauvin
R&B Riff Exercise
Jeffrey Evans Ramsey
Multiple Personalities Vocal Exercise
Wendy D. LeBorgne
Register Isolation for Choral Singers
Edward Reisert
Light Chest Mix for Mixed Choir
Thomas Arduini
Acting Through Song: Discovering Connections to Express Ourselves Clearly as Artists
Naz Edwards
The Ultimate Rock Sound
Sheri Sanders
Verbal Diadochokinesis Exercise for Postmenopausal Women and Aging Male Voices
Barbara Fox DeMaio
Creating the Logical 16-Bar Audition Cut
Robert Marks
Purchasers of this book receive complimentary access to supplementary materials hosted on a PluralPlus companion website.
To access the materials, log in to the website using the URL and Access Code located inside the front cover of your copy of The Vocal Athlete: Application and Technique for the Hybrid Singer, Second Edition.

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