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Common Core State Standards and the Speech-Language Pathologist: Standards-Based Intervention for Special Populations

First Edition

Lissa A. Power-deFur

Details: 249 pages, B&W, Softcover, 7" x 10"

ISBN13: 978-1-59756-618-6

© 2016 | Available

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Common Core State Standards and the Speech-Language Pathologist: Standards-Based Intervention for Special Populations is a tool for the analysis of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and the development of interventions to meet student-specific needs. The CCSS is an education initiative in the United States that details what K-12 students should understand in English language arts and mathematics by the end of each grade. The initiative seeks to establish consistent education standards across the United States and ensure that graduating students are prepared to enter college or the workforce. As of 2015, forty-three states had adopted the CCSS.

With the implementation of the CCSS, it is critical that speech-language pathologists collaborate with educators to enable the success of students with communication disorders as well as English language learners. This text offers a practical approach for application of the CCSS with a parallel analysis of children's strengths and needs to create a template for intervention. It addresses strategies to facilitate the success of students in accessing and achieving the expectations of the general curriculum, with a focus on students with communication disorders, hearing loss, vision loss, deaf-blindness, specific learning disabilities, autism, multiple disabilities, and English language learners.

Key Features

  • Background and implications of the CCSS
  • Chapters written by experts in the field
  • Tools for analysis of the language expectations of the CCSS and a framework for aligning intervention (both direct and classroom-based) with the CCSS for students at elementary and secondary levels
  • Collaboration strategies to facilitate success in the classroom
  • Multiple case studies

Common Core State Standards and the Speech-Language Pathologist is a must-have resource for any speech-language pathologist working with children, as well as their education and administration partners.

From the Foreword

"The recent focus in education on the Common Core State Standards has heightened our awareness of the communication skills needed to achieve success in school. However, speech-language pathologists, educators, and special educators struggle to understand their roles and responsibilities in relation to aligning treatment services with the standards. They continue to search for efficient and effective ways to ensure that their instruction and intervention help students gain the foundational and advanced communication skills they need to negotiate the difficult school pathway.

Throughout Lissa Power-deFur's career, she has strived to foster better understanding of these critical aspects of school service delivery. Her willingness to share her vast knowledge and expertise is noteworthy through her many publications, presentations, and volunteer efforts. She has skillfully clarified complex processes such as determining eligibility for services, aligning intervention services with curricular standards, and forming collaborative teams. This book is a prime example of her commitment to elevating the quality of services for students with disabilities. She lays a solid foundation for understanding the historical and beneficial aspects of the common core state standards. She does an excellent job of helping the reader understand specific elements of the language and literacy standards and the communication skills required for mastery. Lissa's practical five-step analysis process helps crystalize our thinking about the language and speech skills needed to successfully access the curriculum. The organizational framework of the book is a major strength. Lissa invited several leaders to join her in compiling this practical book. Their chapters follow a consistent format. First, the characteristics of a specific communication disorder are presented. Then the chapter facilitates understanding of the typical challenges each disability population is likely to experience in accessing the curriculum due to the skills required for success. Next, recommendations are made for applying the model to that population, providing a realistic context for implementation. Finally, case studies allow readers to relate the discussion to their therapy programs and classrooms. Lissa has provided a resource that will be very useful to practitioners, educators and aspiring professionals."
Jean Blosser, CCC-SLP, EdD, ASHA Fellow, President, Creative Strategies for Special Education

Foreword by Jean Blosser, CCC-SLP, EdD, ASHA Fellow

Chapter 1. The Common Core State Standards

Lissa A. Power-deFur

Chapter 2. Language and Communication Expectations of the Standards

Lissa A. Power-deFur

Chapter 3. Analyzing Students' Ability to Meet the Expectations of the Standards

Lissa A. Power-deFur

Chapter 4. Students With Communication Disorders

Lissa A. Power-deFur

Chapter 5. Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Peggy C. Agee

Chapter 6. Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

Brenda C. Seal

Chapter 7. Students With Visual Impairment or Deaf-Blindness

Julie Durando

Chapter 8. Students With Specific Learning Disabilities

Sharon H. deFur and Lori Korinek

Chapter 9. Students With Severe Disabilities at the Secondary Level

Perry Flynn

Chapter 10. Students Who Are English Language Learners

Judy Rudebusch and Elda M. Rojas


Lissa A. Power-deFur

Lissa A. Power-deFur, PhD, CCC-SLP, ASHA-F, is a professor in the communication sciences and disorders program at Longwood University in Virginia. Among the courses she teaches is public school methods, which focuses on supporting children's mastery of the language expectations of the Common Core State Standards. In her clinical role at Longwood, she has collaborated with local school districts for service delivery.

Prior to joining the faculty at Longwood, Dr. Power-deFur worked at the Virginia Department of Education in special education, student services, and policy, where she first developed her interest in analyzing the language and communication expectations of the general curriculum. She regularly presents at both the state and national level on the integration of education standards into intervention for students with speech-language impairment.

Dr. Power-deFur received her bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees in speech-language pathology at the University of Virginia. She is a Fellow of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and the Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia, and regularly volunteers for the profession. Dr. Power-deFur has served as a state education advocacy leader and as a member of numerous education-related committees at ASHA. She is the ASHA 2014-2016 vice president of standards and ethics in speech-language pathology. Additionally, she received The ASHA Leader Outstanding Service Award for her 2011 article on special education eligibility

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