Modern Hearing Aids: Pre-Fitting Testing and Selection Considerations
First Edition
H. Gustav Mueller, Todd A. Ricketts, Ruth Bentler
Details: 472 pages, B&W, Hardcover, 8.5" x 11"
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-138-9
© 2014 | Available
For Instructors
Modern Hearing Aids: Pre-Fitting Testing and Selection Considerations focuses on when the patients walk in the door and ends when they complete their post-fitting self-assessment surveys. The world renowned authors discuss the initial patient history and counseling, and a wide range of measures that can be used to determine patient needs. They have included numerous pre-fitting tests that can be conducted along with step-by-step protocols for their administration and scoring. They also review the selection of hearing aid styles and fitting arrangements, explain the process of obtaining an ear impression, and making critical decisions regarding earmolds and hearing aid plumbing.
Key Features
- Included throughout the texts are short paragraphs identified as "Technical Tips", "Key Concepts", "Things to Remember", "Points to Ponder", and "On the Soapbox".
- Interesting tidbits of information not quite relevant enough to include in the chapters, but yet too good to toss aside, are featured in the back of the book as "Endnotes".
- Infused with humor!
- Written in an accessible and easy-to-read style to be welcoming to university faculty and their students by including not just reference information, but tools supported by research and clinical experience, presented in a way that was accessible to clinical students with little experience in the field.
- Contains enough depth that even the serious hearing aid researcher would also find many pearls.
The text is intended to be a handy companion for busy clinicians--a friendly resource where they can quickly find critical information needed for the next patient. The book is also appropriate as a supplementary textbook on amplification for graduate programs in audiology.
20Q: Hearing Aid Verification - Will AutoREMfit Move the Sticks?
Read Gus Mueller and Todd Ricketts' interview from AudiologyOnline here.
Chapter 1: The Audiologist and Hearing Aid Provision
Chapter 2: Understanding the Hearing Aid Candidate
Chapter 3: Speech Acoustics
Chapter 4: Pre-Fitting Tests Using Frequency-Specific Measures
Chapter 5: Speech Recognition Measures
Chapter 6: Self-Assessment Scales for Pre-Fitting Testing
Chapter 7: Hearing Aid Style and Fitting Applications
Chapter 8: Ear Impressions, Ear Molds and Associated Plumbing
End Notes

Essentials of Modern Hearing Aids: Selection, Fitting, and Verification
First Edition
Todd A. Ricketts, Ruth Bentler, H. Gustav Mueller
Details: 888 pages, B&W, Hardcover, 8.5" x 11"
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-853-1
© 2019 | Available

Binaural Interference: A Guide for Audiologists
First Edition
James Jerger, Carol A. Silverman
Details: 124 pages, B&W, Softcover, 6" x 9"
ISBN13: 978-1-63550-076-9
© 2018 | Available

Compression for Clinicians: A Compass for Hearing Aid Fittings
Third Edition
Theodore H. Venema
Details: 416 pages, B&W, Softcover, 6" x 9"
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-987-3
© 2017 | Available

Speech Mapping and Probe Microphone Measurements
First Edition
H. Gustav Mueller, Todd A. Ricketts, Ruth Bentler
Details: 320 pages, B&W, Softcover, 7" x 10"
ISBN13: 978-1-94488-394-2
© 2017 | Available

Modern Hearing Aids: Verification, Outcome Measures, and Follow-Up
First Edition
Ruth Bentler, H. Gustav Mueller, Todd A. Ricketts
Details: 748 pages, B&W, Hardcover, 8.5" x 11"
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-482-3
© 2016 | Available

Marketing in an Audiology Practice
First Edition
Brian Taylor
Details: 392 pages, B&W, Softcover, 6" x 9"
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-569-1
© 2015 | Available

Sandlin's Textbook of Hearing Aid Amplification: Technical and Clinical Considerations
Third Edition
Michael J. Metz
Details: 776 pages, B&W, Softcover, 7" x 10"
ISBN13: 978-1-59756-563-9
© 2014 | Available

Fitting and Dispensing Hearing Aids
Third Edition
Brian Taylor, H. Gustav Mueller
Details: 550 pages, B&W, Softcover, 7" x 10"
ISBN13: 978-1-63550-210-7
© 2021 | Available

Music and Hearing Aids: A Clinical Approach
First Edition
Marshall Chasin
Details: 146 pages, B&W, Softcover, 6" x 9"
ISBN13: 978-1-63550-395-1
© 2022 | Available